Sunday, May 8, 2011

Breast Cancer And Mother's Day

On Mother's Day, it gives us a chance to spend with our children. I always reflect on the job I've done with my girls and look ahead to the job still left to do.

Mother's Day also gets me thinking about my own mom. We've had our ups and downs, but it's all in the past. My mom happens to be the bravest woman I know. You see, she's fighting breast cancer. And for the most part save one sister, she's fighting it alone. Her five kids are scattered along the East Coast with me being the farthest away.

Mom comes from a family of eleven, and she had us five kids. Recently divorced, she's not used to being on her own. Never mind being away from everyone she loves. This past year has been hard on her, and she's impressed me by pulling herself up and starting over.

When she was diagnosed with breast cancer, I thought it would do her in. I was wrong. I've never seen such a positive attitude in all my life. When her port threw a clot, I wondered if she'd begin to sway. Again, her resolve only strengthened.

Now into her third round of Chemo, she's had a few more setbacks, but her spirit is still strong. I'm proud of my mom. I know she's going to pull through this. She needs all of our prayers and support. Most of all I want her to know, she's always in my thoughts and never leaves my heart. She's my mom, and nothing will ever change that.

- Heather

Saturday, May 7, 2011

My Daughter's First Poem

My daughter had an assignment in Language Arts this week. Her topic was to write a poem about Love. She struggled with this assignment but ultimately wrote something so beautiful. She's given me permission to share it. It also received 9's from the judges in her class competition and a fellow student was moved to tears. I am so proud to call her my daughter.
Picture by K. Thorpe


Love is something you cannot measure,
But it is something I always treasure.

Thinking of my Grampa in his favorite chair,
Or with a baseball cap on to hide missing hair.

He'd read my favorite book 'til we started to doze.
Time for TV and our afternoon shows.

I learned to dive in my Grampa's pool.
At four year's old, I thought I was cool.

No on ever loved food more.
At Grampa's house it was snacks galore.

Disney World was favorite spot.
We'd be there rain or shine, cold or hot.

Plays, chorus, or soccer he was always there.
Though his seat is empty I still imagine him here.

Love is like the sun, it'll always shine.
In my memories, he'll always be mine.

~ K. Thorpe
Seventh Grade

Monday, May 2, 2011

Away Too Long

Being away from my writing for any length of time sends me into withdrawals.  Whether it's working on my book or just posting a blog, I need to be putting my thoughts down.  This post is going to be a short one, but I felt I needed to get one out there.

Those of you who've seen my tweets or are my Facebook friend know my girls have had Strep Throat. When you're kids are sick, everything else goes by the wayside.  Having both of them home at the same time hasn't happened since they were babies.  And I hope it doesn't happen again for a very long time.

Nothing has gotten done around my house in almost a week.  However, it's the sleepless nights I can do without.  Whenever my youngest is sick, these are always a guarantee.  She's a chronic asthmatic, and we've had countless attacks this week.  Come to find out, the culprit this time has been her antibiotic.  She's had an allergic reaction to it, and her old standby has been called in.

Here's hoping to a better night tonight and sleep for both of us.  The poor baby is running on empty, and so am I.

- Heather